An art deco building that once served as Houston's airport is now a museum.
Tag Archives: museum

PART 5: 2011 American Road Trip – Computer History Museum, Silicon Valley, Apple HQ
Headed to Palo Alto to see the Computer History Museum and Apple in Cupertino.

Review and Road Trip: 1998 Lexus LS400 – The South and President Clinton’s Library
I came to admire a car I didn't like.

Betty White: National Treasure, Cadillac Enthusiast
The Gen-Y crowd pulled their collective head out of Dane Cook’s ass and rediscovered this gem of a comic actress, petitioning her on Facebook to host Saturday Night Live, a performance that earned her an Emmy. And she happens to

I'm not entirely sure what kind of person packs their bags for spring break and heads to Detroit. Most people align their sense of adventure with beaches, sunshine, and scenery. I, however, felt compelled to see America's fastest-shrinking city. While

Germans on Display – Kemp Auto Museum
Chesterfield Missouri is home to the Kemp Auto Museum, a collection of mostly German and a few British cars owned by Fred Kemp, a local architect. Entry was $5 per person.