19 June 2011
The next day, I was nagged out of bed at 6am. We were going to Bangkok and Pattaya to spend time with some of my parents friends. BORING. We got dragged to a shitty zoo. It was hot.
Check out the E30
We meandered around this neighborhood trying to find their house. A fender bender.
We finally got there. Nice place in the middle of a not so nice area. They had a newish E-class and a Cooper S. The guy was in the food processing business.
There were a few tigers, but they also had dumb stuff like pigs, rabbits, and deer.
Q: Whats the difference between a Thai zoo and a Thai supermarket? A: Nothing.
Nice E34 in a no-parking zone
lol, shoot and feed… shoot what, a rabbit? Feed who, me?
This SOB wouldnt look me in the face. I had to walk around and zoom in
A little pony
One of those things with big teeth
I wish all the world’s deer were dead. They do nothing but spread rabies and cause car accidents
Tiger cubs
Pig races
Huge hog
Child labor lol
Feeding the crocs
An elephant
Ice cream, sweet relief from the heat
lol, crocodiles doing long division
Tiger posing
Cubs feeding off a pig
Well thats a bit close. Good thing theres glass
Murals showing idyllic images of people and animals together
Why does the guy in this mural have braces?
A Toyota Scepter. Much cooler name than Camry
It started raining HARD. This sign fell down
Deep water. The street looked like a river
We got to some place where they put on a Thai cultural show. Some of it was boring, some of it was great.
The kickboxing here was staged.
Fast Tube by Casper
Fast Tube by Casper
Saw an elephant show
Fast Tube by Casper
Watched an elephant paint
Fast Tube by Casper
Fast Tube by Casper
Hula hoops
Audience participation
Taking pics with a tiger. This didnt look safe to me
Elephant taxi
The place had a huge garden
The bathroom had no paper. I fortunately kept several paper towels in my pocket, and then used the spray to finish the cleanup. It was… miserable… and filthy.
This meat grinder was disgusting, covered in flies
Dumb playboy sticker
Went to the beach for dinner. Looks like a Kia, a Porsche Cayenne Turbo, a Camry, an Accord, a Toyota, something else, and an E-class wagon. I guess this place was high end dining.
The fish go from these tubs to your plate
Nice view of the water. Lots of fishing boats
It was excellent food.
My brother cleaned out his crabs
Fishing boats
A Ford Ranger
An Audi A6. I kind of want one.
Mom stopped to buy fermented fish. I dont know how Thais eat that stuff. Growing up, I remember how awful it smelled.
A store selling lights?
20 June 2011
Back “home” in Kabin Buri
Some sugar-covered thingies.
I bought some doughnuts at Tesco.
Salmon flavored chips. Not so good in execution.
Hot dog chips. Blech.
21 June 2011
Heading to Bangkok to fly home.
New airport
SO MANY BAGS for no reason.
Korean Air has a class called “Morning Calm”
Uncle, brother, grandmother
Had dinner at the airport.
So good I forgot to get a picture before eating it.
lol, an article about George Michael
My brother met a girl at the airport in Korea. Got her number. She initiated conversation (she was from Illinois or Wisconsin or something).
lol creeper pic
Strangely tasty.
In-flight noodles.
Watching House
Arrived in Chicago feeling very, very tired.
The moment we stepped foot on US soil, the level of airline and airport service, courtesy, and cleanliness steeply declined.
First thing I wanted was Italian beef at O’Hare, but it wasn’t anywhere near as good as Portillo’s. Sad.
My dog’s level of excitement upon seeing me was a bit underwhelming.
It was a relief to drive on properly maintained roads where I wasn’t afraid for my life. I really, really missed my cars.
Thailand is an exciting place to visit, but the place I call home is dull, pristine, and quiet, and I’m thankful for that.
After seeing all the pics, I my curiosity about Thailand has been satiated, and I can continue sitting on my butt in front of my TV at home.
Looks like a great trip. Excellent narrative for the hundreds of pictures you posted. You must have been putting this blog together for the past two months.