Guy V. Coulombe is obsessed with Chrysler K Cars. He posts fake ads on Craigslist, demands payments from strangers for his club, and verbally abuses anyone who refuses to share his reverence for the Dodge Aries, Plymouth Reliant, and Chrysler Lebaron. He also has a knack for going on racist, anti-gay rants, as demonstrated by his comments on Jesda.com.
He’s now raising money for his criminal defense, charged by the Huntington Beach PD with harassment:
I don’t know the details of the case but I can’t imagine anyone more deserving of jail time and heavy fines.
On a somewhat unrelated note, Creeper Coulombe made it into the electronic version of Wired Magazine:
Translation: I stalked someone, and they called the cops. Please give me money.
I was under the impression that donating to his GoFundMe (“Guy Coulombe is going to jail!”) would lead to him actually going to jail. I was disappointed to learn the opposite. This guy needs psychiatric help. What kind of loony bin reject gets banned from Allpar?
I am going to eventually sue you assholes for lying about me and defamation of character.
You will do NOTHING you don’t have money for tools let alone a lawyer lol we all saw the go fund UOU page of you begging for legal fee assistance for a crime you committed you thief. You are a paranoid stocker the only thing that is keeping you alive is that pathetic group with a 1000 members hahahaha the FEDS will coming after you far before you sue anyone because you use club funds to work on you car that has gone through how many head gasket s in a year? You rent tools dont have a garage and are constantly asking questions an 18 that works at napa can answer but you think you are a car guy? You look like the typical K car owner lol. You are a racist a bigot a liar you threatened women and try to drag elderly people who are involved in a war into your page for pity there’s a special place in hell for people like you who claim to be a Christian and how exactly did you know you only had four homosexuals in your group? Only a person who is homophobic would care about something like that but sounds like you’re glad to get rid of them I’m glad Facebook harasses you all the time I’m glad everyone harasses you all the time I’m glad that the people who serve you food at fast food restaurants spit in your food I’m glad the mechanics railroad you and convince you they’ve fixed your car only for you to find only a couple of days later that you got shafted again with no way to prove that they didn’t do their job because you constantly mess with your car and don’t know what you’re doing every bad thing that has come your way you deserve I once felt bad for you but once I found out what kind of person you were the last year-and-a-half of me being a member of that group was just to watch you lose your mind enjoy delusions of grandeur guy you’re a nobody your group is comprised of people laughing at you I mean look at you laying down in the grass with that permed hair buy some new shoes for God’s sake Woody’s suck unless they have a big block in their rear wheel drive
What happened, your “pro-bono” atty cut you off?
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 23:17:24 -0800
From: chryslerkcarclub@gmail.com
To: “several”
Dear Chrysler K-Car Owner,
After spending hours on email and the phone, in which 90% of the new owners for January were completely unresponsive, I have decided I have had enough. I am nice, and I get treated like crap. Our club is dying because of the rudeness of such people, and lack of funds. So, immediately, if you want to be a member of this club, you have to pay the $20 dollars. Think Facebook is free, think again, we have the only sites on Facebook and I will just delete those who do not pay. The only people exempt from the $20 are non-K-car owners, sellers, and people with special needs. I have had it. I am not going to be stressing over this anymore. We aren’t losing much if most people chose to leave, since they were too lazy to answer their email anyway. Please don’t be one of those people.
By being extremely fickle over $20, you merely kill the club and make it impossible for us to save these cars.
Guy V.Coulombe
The Chrysler K-Car Club
CKCC President
From: Guy Coulombe
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2016 12:51 PM
To: Dukes
You are a liar, backstabber, and just another bad individual. And if you were here in person, I would punch you in the face
for calling me a fraud. Your the fraud.
On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Dukes wrote:
20.00 too much, no, it actually isn’t at all. I donate to clubs and organizations all of the time. I have money, I have an over 800 credit score, I own 12 vehicles at the moment that all run and are worth money…… nothing handed to me ever, I work for what I have and give to others all of the time. I was going to donate to your club, but when you started hounding me, to where you sent emails demanding, posting your demands on Facebook, I held back. Glad I did as so many have come out and stated what you do and have done. You are rude, you are a bully (but I bet if you met me face to face your ass would not speak to me like you do in email and posts).
There are other groups that formed as a result of how you treated folks, so they started up other pages, Facebook groups and it is much nicer. Again, others have shown the emails you sent, copied your messages and posts and have shared them. I too have all your emails, your begging etc and you are a fraud. It does not take a year to two years to sell a car, much less 2 cars. You bought those cars with donation money under the false pretenses you were going to sell and the profits would go to the club. That has yet to happen, yet you continue to take money from folks.
You may not be-leave it, but some of your current members keep tabs and are taking notes for the last couple of years and have shared what they see. One of these days your going to think back and say “I shouldn’t have treated others like I have, I should not have fraud-ed folks”
Car clubs are for fun, for people to have fun and enjoy the hobby, not you though, you are taking advantage.
From: chryslerkcarclub@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 10:18:14 -0700
You are another piece of shit not worth my time. I am still planning to sell two of the
cars to replenish the account, but your such a turd that $20 would be too much for you.
From: chryslerkcarclub@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 10:53:34 -0700
Subject: One more thing….
To: hotmail.com
Most of the money goes to run the websites, the car shows, and sending members frames
you asshole.
This guy doesn’t seem smart enough to run a scheme, and yet he is.
He claims the money goes to:
1) run the websites: But look at http://www.chryslerkcar.com/. It says hosted for free by Weebly!
2) car shows: what car shows? I’ve heard that in some years, club funds have been offered to pay entrance fees for members’ K-cars at Chrysler Performance West’s Spring Fling. But the club has never once run its own car show or done anything that wasn’t piggybacking off of someone else’s work.
3) sending members frames: Ask anyone. He sent out a very small number of these frames, but then took a bunch of people’s money and never sent frames to them.
All the money goes straight into his own pocket. He admitted on Jesda’s other article that all the money goes to fixing his own K_Cars. The club isn’t even a legal non-profit. He claims it is a 501(c)(4), but fixing your own K-Cars is not a legal purpose of a 501(c)(4). This guy needs to go to jail.
Read this:
“The earnings of a section 501(c)(4) organization may not inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. If the organization engages in an excess benefit transaction with a person having substantial influence over the organization, an excise tax may be imposed on the person and any managers agreeing to the transaction.”
hello mr guy.i think at this time you should retire,and step down.let a new wave new day leader take over.thanks for starting the k-club good luck with your new ventures.
Retire? He’d have to get a job to do that.
This guy doesn’t seem like the sharpest guy, but maybe he’s the one pulling one over on everyone. I keep seeing these cars on Craigslist listed by him, but he doesn’t even claim to own them sometimes. Is he just scamming people into sending cashier’s checks like a Nigerian scammer? He must use his fake non-profit to launder the money. The IRS should look into this guy.
It’s so funny I stumbled across this! A few years ago I was on his mailing list and even donated $20. He’d send out emails that basically bullied people and called them idiots. I sent an email back stating I didn’t like the tone he took with members of his own club and I would like to be removed. As you can imagine he started sending me a bunch of nasty emails insulting me, making all kinds of assumptions, etc. seemed very unbalanced in the correspondence! I basically told him to cut the shit and not say things to people behind the comfort of a keyboard he wouldn’t have the guts to say in person. I can tell you this guy would get a smack in the mouth if he were stupid enough to say to me in person what he was saying to me in email. Very satisfying to see others realize what a tool he is.
I want to buy a car Plymouth reliant k 1989 if you please know of one this is my Phone 2816838597
I wonder what kind of plea bargain he made to avoid jail time for harassing that poor woman.
Guy threatened to blow up my 1986 Plymouth reliant, I received multiple threats over the years.
I find it funny that this clown takes credit for the K-Car owners that come to LA-area car shows, like Spring Fling and Fall Fling. Everyone who went was going to go anyway, not because they were a member of the so-called club. I’d hazard a guess that more people would bring K-Cars to the car shows if they knew they wouldn’t have to park near him and his barely functioning abused car.
This fraudster is now claiming that Bank of America is communist because they froze his account.
This is after several months of showing how incompetent he is at fixing his K-Car. He is a joke of a president.
This fraudster is too dumb to own a K-Car. I am in his Facebook group. He never takes good advice and just jumps to stupid conclusions because he doesn’t understand how cars work. The other day he was asking how his car’s crankshaft would turn if he did a balance shaft delete. He doesn’t even own a factory service manual.
I am a mechanic that Guy asked to fix his car. He wanted me to cut corners on the job to save less than $15, like re-using old gaskets and not replacing some rusted bolts. I had assumed when he gave me his spiel on being president of this club that he would have done a good job maintaining his car. After talking to him and looking at his car, it was clear that was not the case.
I was not willing to do crappy work and always stand behind my jobs, so I told him he was either going to pay for a quality job or he could take a hike. After I did the work, he tried to renegotiate the fee. I told him he could pay the bill or face a lien on his car. He paid and tried to badmouth me to his club, but I still have 4 customers who are in his stupid Facebook group.
His cars are so poorly maintained that some have caught on fire. I heard his mom finally made him move his broken down cars from her house so he didn’t burn it down.
This Guy is too dumb to own a K-Car. He does zero maintenance and doesn’t know a damn thing about diagnosis. No wonder almost none of his cars run. Out of the five or six he has, only one runs. He blames mechanics or the governor of California instead of his own incompetence.
This incel idiot often gets dragged because most of his posts are nonsensical or based on fake news. He has now taken to proactively shutting down comments that might contradict him because he is such a cowardly loser.