This driving simulator is, I believe, made by Tomy. I came across this 1988 Sears catalog scan at Wishbook, an index of selected Sears, Wards, Penny, and Spiegel catalogs. As a child of the 80s, I longed for a Power Wheels, and this was the next best thing.
The way this worked was a scrolling film would simulate a moving road. A light in the background gave the impression of night driving while the steering wheel moved the car icon left and right. The ignition key turned on the toy and the speedometer was functional. BONUS: The headlights popped up when you turned them on!
We didn’t have a whole lot of money when I was a kid, and I remember begging for it at the KB Toy store at the mall. Mom made it sound like it cost more than a week’s wages. In today’s money, its still under $30. To make matters worse we didn’t celebrate Christmas, but my brother and I did receive one large gift for New Years. I had a massive collection of 50-cent Matchbox cars to tide me over and made roads and drew buildings with a pencil and some printer paper, which I got yelled at for wasting.
Fast Tube by Casper
Some other gems:
I’ll be in my garage building a time machine.
I actually had a Sega Master System in grade school. I was one of 3 people that had one.
After Burner, Thunder Blade, Shinobi and Double Dragon were my first games.
Next came the Genesis and 32X adapter. Best game for Genisis, Earthworm Jim. Hands down one of the funnest games I ever owned.