I took a six hour road trip with my friend Paul to look at a used RV. With a budget of $5000 he was looking at older rigs, most of which had low mileage, with a possible need for minor repairs or mechanical work.
Everything on this one, asking $3000, was as nice as advertised, if not nicer, with all of the owners manuals and service records going back to 1987. It spent its life garaged and it showed. Based on a Ford heavy duty chassis with a 4.6L V8 it included an interior that looked like it had barely seen use.
The seller also has a huge workshop where he builds go karts for his kids and nephews to race.
The fuel tank came out after considerable effort (I contributed by standing, freezing, and complaining) but it still wasn’t running.
Paul left a deposit, the seller agreed to get it fixed, but the following weekend they determined it was going to require significantly more work to get running. Paul’s deposit was returned and the video tells the rest of the story.
Fast Tube by Casper
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