[Originally found on the Malaise Motors group on Facebook.]
I’m passionate about cars in an irrational and unreasonable way. The best automobile I ever owned was a Saab 900 that cost a small fortune to maintain over the course of five years which I finally gave away to a friend and collector. There was nothing sensible about the entire experience.
Passion, by its very nature, precludes rationality. Channeled productively, it can motivate greatness and achievement. Unfortunately, channeling your energy into disposable Mopars from the 1980s can lead to, at least in Guy Coulombe’s case, racism and religious zealotry. I can be absurdly religious about my favorite cars and trucks, but not at the expense of human decency.
Fast Tube by Casper
This is an email that Mr Coulombe sent to members of the Chrysler K Car Club:
For clarification, the Chrysler E-class was a stretched K-car. He is not referring to a Mercedes-Benz.
He then denies being racist:
Then he apologizes for being racist while being racist:
And then he gets upset with “FOUR homosexuals”:
Cars are the original social network. You drive them to new places to meet new folks, bond over design and performance, and form lifelong friendships with great people who share your values.
Or in the case of Guy V. Coulombe, you use them as a platform to be an asshole.
BONUS: He has a wildly unsuccessful GoFundMe campaign seeking donations to restore his 1984 LeBaron. He genuinely doesn’t understand why people aren’t contributing to the cause.
“Cars are the original social network.”
Car CLUBS are social networks. Cars bring together everyone, including those with whom one might not share any interest or friendship. FaceBook users don’t randomly look for strangers to “friend.”
Back when social networks mostly met in person, they were called user groups. A user group brings together people who share a common interest in some activity or thing, with the express purpose of learning and discussing that interest or doing that activity.
Now that I think about it, I think it would be fair to call a church a “Christianity user group.” (And likewise synagogues for Jews, mosques for Muslims, etc.)
The guy you are speaking about has just deteriorated the “club” feeling.
He has made all of the so called members dislike him in so many ways its not funny.
A president of an organization should not demand Dues or money to help fund his own pocket to try to fix up his own car. If the refuse to pay he threatens them in the rants you are talking about.
Myself and many of his ex members have a few Facebook Groups that we talk and share “K”car stories and help everyone out with out having to pay dues.
please contact me for more info on your story. thanks
Priorities. Gotta look out for number one. Lol
I should start a Go Fund Me to fix my flooded out car. “It’s the last one in my town, for sure, worth saving!” I wonder if I could get more than $30 for it? It wasn’t insured, and I incurred significant personal financial loss on it.at least it wouldn’t be fraudulent.
I’m a so called lifetime member and I have donated more than I want to admit… Not to mention time and free parts given away,
I can even get a return call.
yes, it hard to find certain parts and own 2 k cars and another 2 that are K car based. I am part of other car clubs and no one ever mentions time or money to club.
when you are part of a club it should be
“MEMBER HELPING MEMBERS” that it !!! that simple, If you dont have the time or passion??? that’s another ? Story, I have met and keep in contact with many members of clubs… and true friendships have been made, even in the K car Club
Not sure why you are defending this fool, “Joseph”. GVC’s latest message to someone who contributed a lot of repair-related info to GVC’s K-Carwebsite:
“Fuck you piece of shit asshole. Hope your car blows up mother fucker, know it all, narcissitic [sic] piece of shit.”
With friends like that, who needs enemies?
For the record, I donated $5 before I realized this guy was a complete douche.
Your mom is a douche and you are probably black
Well, my girlfriend tells me I’m black from the waist down…
There’s a button to the left of the keyboard. It’s called “caps-lock”. Push it you tool!
I have had a run in with Guy after refusing to pay dues for being on the Facebook page of his “club. He then told me to go and crush my car and don’t ever ask for help. I can only hope I am one of those four homosexuals he was speaking of. I have found that his “charity” is not on the IRS website for 501 (c) charities, he is trying to use a gofundme page to repair a club carxandxthenxaits he plans to drive it one its fixed, and is involved with a local church or is so sort of religious leader.
And he has a habit of posting cars for sale that are not his…
Mr. Coulombe, will you please describe what qualifies your organization for 501(c)(4) status? As far as anyone can tell from your GoFundMe site, your 501(c)(4) is designed to funnel money to you to buy and repair K-Cars.
As you can see from the IRS website re: 501(c)(4), your stated goal has *nothing* to do with social welfare, because you are solely benefiting yourself, and you appear to be committing tax fraud:
“To be tax-exempt as a social welfare organization described in Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)(4), an organization must not be organized for profit and must be operated exclusively to promote social welfare. The earnings of a section 501(c)(4) organization may not inure to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual. If the organization engages in an excess benefit transaction with a person having substantial influence over the organization, an excise tax may be imposed on the person and any managers agreeing to the transaction.
To be operated exclusively to promote social welfare, an organization must operate primarily to further the common good and general welfare of the people of the community (such as by bringing about civic betterment and social improvements). […] An organization is not operated primarily for the promotion of social welfare if its primary activity is operating a social club for the benefit, pleasure or recreation of its members, or is carrying on a business with the general public in a manner similar to organizations operated for profit.”
Both you and your club do not show up in search results on the IRS active cherry site. To me, this could mean you were denied your not for profit status due to fraud or you never actually applied. Stop your fucking rants and grow up.
You and your organization are complete frauds. How did you not know that deductions to 501(c)(4) non-profits aren’t deductible? On your free website, you claimed that people should deduct their donations even before your 501(c)(4) status was confirmed. Haven’t you worked in an accounting office before? I feel sorry for your clients.
good , bad or indifferent ….. He did help me sell my car as I am not that computer literate
I used to be pretty active in his group even tried to help fix his web page. After a few months of fighting with him to try and help boost membership it became too much as it was obvious he was dancing on the edge of bat s**t crazy. I stayed with the group through all 4 of my k-cars. Including the one that was impounded due to a friend. Which by the way I was ridiculed and singled out as a bad club member and someone who shouldn’t be allowed to own a car. But as soon as a better option opened I was gone. As others have said if you need any more info on his craziness contact me.
i understand your frustration and i too in a simulair situation…
Not from the L.A. area, my K car did break down and He did manage to get another Member to help me out and get me going again.
wish the club was as good as it was when it first started, as back then friendship were made and I still keep in contact with a few people from the early days
Bring it, bitch. Just bring it.
If you feel someone has been unfair, you are more than welcome to tell us your side of the story. Why do you choose not to do that?
Have you listed other people’s cars for sale?
Do you deny sending threatening emails, texts, and chats? (we’ve all seen the screenshots, dude)
Did you harass the person in Orange County?
Why is it that you own 6 cars, but do such a crappy job taking care of them that most are non-functional and the rest are barely functional?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Its true folks Guy Vincent Coulombe has threatened and herrassed numerous folks including my self. I have emails that show him threateneding to blow up my k car.
The plea bargain you had to make says differently.
Good luck with that SLANDER suit!
Please explain what the “slander” [sic] is, Guy. Quoting your own words on the internet is definitely not slander.
This is beautiful. Another nutcase exposed. Jalopnik also posted about this guy. I’ve never seen anyone more insane about a worthless thing in my life. I understand the nostalgia that these bring, but to go on these publically defamation rants against past “members” that’s not cool. If he says he’s gonna sue, Let’s see what happens when these “Homosexuals” sue him for defamation. Also how do you sue over true things that were sent by this “Guy” they just made the emails and messages public. It’ll be interesting to see what lawyer will touch this.
i just think of it as cheap entertainment
On Nov 30, 2016 7:14 PM, “Guy Coulombe” wrote:
On Jan 3, 2017 5:20 PM, “Guy Coulombe” wrote:
I need my car fixed….HA HA HA. I know where a door is, but I am not telling you, unless
you shut down your website. make a public apology, and donate $200 to the club, HA HA HA
On Mar 16, 2015 12:57 AM, “Guy V. Coulombe” wrote:
By starting your pages, all you are going to do is antagonize @@@@ and @@@@
who stole the original page, and I will always have my eye on you. This does more harm to the club than good. If you are willing to fold your page, I will allow you back into the club. If not, well, you aren’t going to get anywhere, and I will soon have the legal means to file an intellectual copyright infringement against you if you do not cease and desist. So, now we have three facebook club pages to contend with, how does that help us as a group? Oh, but you have no loyalty or any vision.
You like to stab people in the back based on hearsay, and slander them, when you have never even met them.
This “guy” has a real way with words. Did he ever obtain “the legal means to file an intellectual copyright infringement against you,” Kenneth?
No I’m pretty sure chrysler owns the trademarks to all of the cars.
Mar 13, 2015 11:54 AM, “Guy V. Coulombe” wrote:
You turned on me based on hearsay. @@@@ stole the original page. I hope your K-car
blows up, as there may be no club to help you. I put my heart and soul into this club, and some fucker
like you, who never even met me in person or heard my side of the story, turned on me.
Make j-e-s-s-e great again
Coulombe, go seek out professional help. 1980s Mopars aren’t worth the rust on their sorry frames. They were garbage then, as you are now.
I personally want to thank Guy for the hilarity. Screw all these a-holes, Guy, and just keep talking! You crack me the fuck up.
(you greedy nutbag racist homophobic motherfucker)
This “Guy” nutbag clearly chose the perfect old car to be the focus of his paranoid ramblings. K-cars are mediocre piles of shit that are unworthy of anyone’s time, money or attention- just like Guy. Him being the last one man on earth with a running K-car isn’t a threat against the rest of us… it’s a good thing for the rest of us to keep hoping for!
Lol, I’m reading this asshole in Alex Jones’ voice and now you are too. You’re welcome.
Holy CRAP! I had no idea that all of this craziness was going on with Guy!! Wow! I’m ceaselessly amazed! X) Guy contacted me in the early part of 2017 (possibly late 2016) regarding my ’81 Aries K wagon. She’s a beaut if you fancy these old thangs. (; Many a random conversation have come up while out and about with her as my ride. (: It’s been a hoot! And, as much as I respect and love the history, the passion that enthusiasts exude, and just the vibration of bygone days…my tastes, personally, are not as much for these. I do indeed own a clean model. She bares little, if any, rust at all, there is some interior deterioration, but all the chrome is present, all her badges, I even hold the original Owners Manual, but, I pushed her too hard and she ‘blew a gasket,’ literally. A head gasket. My husband, being a seasoned mechanic himself, has expressed his opinion regarding my consideration of doing the gasket over simply buying a new head altogether. It’s just too much work for us with little time to give her. I need to sell her immediately due to a move we are experiencing…August 5, 2017, wildomar CA, will be the last day she will be available for sale. Please contact me if you would be interested in adopting her into your family. (: I am just not capable of providing for her as she requires.
But ANYHOO! Good lord GUY! He had come all the way out to our place, in January, desiring, deeply, to have more knowledge than my husband, and to get her to start up (oh, it will be something simple for sure), except that he had no clue of the depth of our experience and knowledge, and was almost put off, that my husband’s first suggestion would be a compression test, if he didn’t believe us. He had zero knowledge of anything of the sort. Trying our best to remain polite and forgiving of his egotistical display of misguided superiority…we merely wanted him to listen, we knew what we were talking about, and could save him HUGE amounts of time and even money, if he could just accept that there is more to life than what he already did know. He told us of an outrageous brake job that had just raked him for thousands…sigh… again…if he would just listen, we could truly be an asset for him. But, it was almost as though he grew fearful of us, once he had fabricated the circumstances of our home, property, our business. Being a proud IRS rep, he was abashed to learn that our newly formed self generating form of income had yet to be licensed completely, and had yet to acquire our Federal Identification Number, I swear he almost started crying. He did go slightly pale, and began making his backward motion toward our gate. Haha! It’s ok Guy, we are very good people, in no way a threat to you. Just because we had just started our own business and had yet to legitimize our formality, does not mean that we are sinners, nor are we dangerous or something to be feared. As a matter of fact, after reading through these remarks today, I would contend that WE are more ‘legit’ than even yourself being that we are no where near attempting to avoid paying taxes, by claiming ourselves a nonprofit. Just sayin’! 😉
Yet, having this opportunity to be a little more descriptive in my overall opinion of Guy, and my personal interaction with him, has only confirmed to me, my need to remain nonjudgemental of my fellow mankind. We all suck at times. We are all idiots at times. All of us can be ‘niggers’ (I mean that only with love;); we all shit, we all stink. But, a good lot of the societal norm, in my experience, doest attempt to remain as dignified as possible. There’s no need for labels of any kind, Guy. It wouldn’t matter what so ever if a gentleman was Chinese, Mexican, gay… personally, those of us baring the Caucasian liking are rather bland and boring to me!
Let’s consider what wake we leave behind in our tracks, and carry ourselves accordingly. How would you like to be remembered? I hope to just remember you as the pastey sun starved Chrysler geek that you are at heart, and move forward from there. (: Take it easy! There may be a catastrophy in the future where we all have to hunker down together (?) and I would put money on the fact that you, as well as myself and my family, will have no mind for paying our taxes, if we are desperate for drinking water to survive. 🙂 Again, just sayin’!
Lastly, ladies and gents out there, thanks for skimming through my words and expressions today. It was a shock to stumble upon what you all have been sharing! Especially when it involves someone I have personally had interaction with! Life is never boring! Lol!
It is true, I do have the 81 Dodge Aries K wagon for sale, and this coming Saturday is the make it or break it deadline. Please do not molest my contact information, and forgive me in advance for being so blatant and naive ;). 951.623.6265. Text only at first. I appreciate it!
Take care everyone! Try to stay cool!
Jen :}
Thanks for the lies and the character assassination and slander you just exhibited towards me.
Do you know what a head gasket does, Guy?
There are K series car clubs? God, that’s sad. Those cars are awful and not at all worth preserving. They’re about as exciting as a block of stale velveeta.
Sorry to say, but I have had a run-in with Guy this weekend. I guess he saw my daughters car on ebay and contacted me with the following message:
“Can I come see the car in person? I want to give the car a good home in our club, The Chrysler K-Car Club. I live in Sylmar. Please email back a contact. I appreciate it. Sincerely, Guy V.Coulombe, the Chrysler K-Car Club president”
I was under the impression that he was interested in purchasing and after a couple of phone calls I was lead to believe that his intentions were to purchase. I should have googled him before inviting him up. He shows up Sunday morning in his “Woody” wagon and is so proud of it that he invites me to drive it. I declined, since you could not even see thru the filthy windows and I prefer living.
So then he wants to test drive the LeBaron but he wants me to film him so he can put the footage on his site to find it a good home. I was taken aback and told him that I thought he was interested in purchasing and that his discussions were a bit misleading. He stated that he did not mean to be misleading in any way. After reading more about his shenanigans I don’t think he was misleading…. He was downright DECEITFUL! What a whack job.
Daniel, you are an asshole, for lying about me on the internet, and treating me like crap when I offered you a free gift and a free testdrive of my wagon. You are a pathetic backstabber.
How is Daniel lying, Guy?
No one needs to assassinate your character. You do enough of that yourself.
By the way Daniel, I never said I was buying your overpriced Mopar, you the man with SIX Porches in his driveway. I had plenty of collectors that were interested in that car. You and your pathetic cars can be thrown out with the rest of the garbage.
“By the way, that’s not a Porsche. It’s a Lamborghini.”
I’ve never seen a driveway with a porch…and this guy had six? How, exactly, does that work?
A couple years ago after Guy V sent out a terribly racist email I asked him to remove me from the club. Of course he just got nasty and did the name calling thing. My best advise is to ignore and avoid him at all cost. He isn’t someone you want to associate yourselves with. I pray for him to find peace and for him to find ways to get along with people better. Nonetheless , my recommendation is to just steer clear and don’t get involved with him on anything. Take the high road and walk away from the situation.
I haven’t seen this much drama over a mundane 1980’s car since Sam Smith crushed a Citroen CX
I didn’t even own a K car but when I joined the K car Club he demanded multiple times for me to pay even though I didn’t own one so I just ended up leaving. Thankfully I was only interested in those cars for like 2 months.
Steven, you are a liar. I only asked for dues for those that had K-cars. Don’t even know you, never heard your name before. Your a troll.
Hmmmmm…”Anonymous”. Who could this be?
Meanwhile, Guy continues to post up fake Craigslist ads and blocks anyone who dares call him out for it.
I’d give him $20 if he’d learn the difference between “you’re” and “your.”
Maybe $30.
Or how to spell anonymous. 🙂
Guy says he’s not gay but, hey, Guy…$20 is $20!
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 2016 23:17:24 -0800
From: chryslerkcarclub@gmail.com
To: seanbrownsemail@gmail.com; pettaway604@gmail.com; tednemoy@gmail.com; reginald@mail2world.com; damoncaravanman@hotmail.com; wfhpilot@peoplepc.com; jhnc@rogers.com; zx6nva@yahoo.com; bgrimes628@comcast.net; dannimelgoza@yahoo.com; mediadude@gmail.com; ronaldlewis03hd@yahoo.com; myershift@gmail.com; brainwashedstate@aol.com; rogerpettit@ymail.com; billgower@hotmail.com; usaf20yrs@aol.com; abi1655@aol.com; mike.magnumpi@gmail.com; davidh2w3@yahoo.com; eddiedeanjr@hotmail.com
Dear Chrysler K-Car Owner,
After spending hours on email and the phone, in which 90% of the new owners for January were completely unresponsive, I have decided I have had enough. I am nice, and I get treated like crap. Our club is dying because of the rudeness of such people, and lack of funds. So, immediately, if you want to be a member of this club, you have to pay the $20 dollars. Think Facebook is free, think again, we have the only sites on Facebook and I will just delete those who do not pay. The only people exempt from the $20 are non-K-car owners, sellers, and people with special needs. I have had it. I am not going to be stressing over this anymore. We aren’t losing much if most people chose to leave, since they were too lazy to answer their email anyway. Please don’t be one of those people.
By being extremely fickle over $20, you merely kill the club and make it impossible for us to save these cars.
Guy V.Coulombe
The Chrysler K-Car Club
CKCC President
From: Guy Coulombe
Sent: Thursday, July 7, 2016 12:51 PM
To: Dukes
You are a liar, backstabber, and just another bad individual. And if you were here in person, I would punch you in the face
for calling me a fraud. Your the fraud.
On Thu, Jul 7, 2016 at 10:44 AM, Dukes wrote:
20.00 too much, no, it actually isn’t at all. I donate to clubs and organizations all of the time. I have money, I have an over 800 credit score, I own 12 vehicles at the moment that all run and are worth money…… nothing handed to me ever, I work for what I have and give to others all of the time. I was going to donate to your club, but when you started hounding me, to where you sent emails demanding, posting your demands on Facebook, I held back. Glad I did as so many have come out and stated what you do and have done. You are rude, you are a bully (but I bet if you met me face to face your ass would not speak to me like you do in email and posts).
There are other groups that formed as a result of how you treated folks, so they started up other pages, Facebook groups and it is much nicer. Again, others have shown the emails you sent, copied your messages and posts and have shared them. I too have all your emails, your begging etc and you are a fraud. It does not take a year to two years to sell a car, much less 2 cars. You bought those cars with donation money under the false pretenses you were going to sell and the profits would go to the club. That has yet to happen, yet you continue to take money from folks.
You may not be-leave it, but some of your current members keep tabs and are taking notes for the last couple of years and have shared what they see. One of these days your going to think back and say “I shouldn’t have treated others like I have, I should not have fraud-ed folks”
Car clubs are for fun, for people to have fun and enjoy the hobby, not you though, you are taking advantage.
From: chryslerkcarclub@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 10:18:14 -0700
You are another piece of shit not worth my time. I am still planning to sell two of the
cars to replenish the account, but your such a turd that $20 would be too much for you.
From: chryslerkcarclub@gmail.com
Date: Thu, 7 Jul 2016 10:53:34 -0700
Subject: One more thing….
To: hotmail.com
Most of the money goes to run the websites, the car shows, and sending members frames
you asshole.
The funny thing is that he claims to spend thousands of “club funds” on his website, but he uses Weebly which is completely free.
After reading these comments, in my opinion, this ‘Guy’ after years of professional mental help and anger management will still be a completely useless human being, waste of skin and air we breathe.
It’s been more than two years since this article was written, and this moron is still pulling these shenanigans, even after almost going to jail for them. I wonder what his plea deal was to avoid jail.
He’s still listing other people’s cars for sale in hopes of scamming buyers and sellers out of donations. He was apoplectic when Craigslist added a $5 fee for listing cars. Then, he switched to Facebook Marketplace, but, unlike Craigslist, Facebook actively removes scammers from their system.
He’s now complaining that Facebook revoked his Marketplace privileges after all the fraudulent postings!
What I heard was he spent months and months harrassing a club member because the engine craped out from a busted timing chain or something like that. Owner couldnt pay to have it fixed and told columbe it might have to be scrapped and that turned him batshit crazy. Spammed the car owner for months and kept posting the car for sale on craigslist over and over and over again for more than a dozen times. Owner sent a mess of complaints to craigslist and eventually craigslsit lawyers yanked his account and that made him even crazier. Worse part is he tried to blackmail the car owner into signing over control of the car or sell it to him or he would keep putting out sales ads on it. Car owner finally got the cops to arrest him for internet harrasment and he took a plea deal to avoid jail. Heard he had to get anger therapy and had to pony up a dna swab. Also heard if he pulls this shit again and gets arrested he won’t get a plea deal. He gets jail instead. Would really be a kicker to see his mug shot.
I feel that I may be one of the homosexuals banished from the K car club. Good thing I crushed all of my K cars.
So…I’m bored waiting to move the stuff from the washer to the drier, so I start looking at my car groups and I find all this. It’s really entertaining to go back through it all. I was a member of GVC’s “group” for a few months several years ago, but I dumped it when I saw him doing all the yelling and racist/homophobic commentary and asking for money. Final straw was when a car I was looking at showed up on the group sounding like it was his to sell. It wasn’t of course, since I knew who did own it and was selling it. Not a group I’d want to be associated with. I’m surprised his group still around, actually. But we live in strange times.
Guy columbe Started copying my Facebook group name chrysler k car lovers & owners,threatening my members.
I heard a rumor that this loser can’t even keep his 5 or 6 K-Cars on the road. At least half of them don’t even work. The others are so poorly maintained, that they break down every 500 miles. This hombre is a farce.
Today I received a random message from guy where he called me a piece of shit and a fucking idiot, but he sent if to the wrong person, I actually tried to stand up for the guy and instead of kicking out the shit talking troll he’s a paranoid delusional completely useless human being that cannot fix his own cars harasses car sellers and owners and even the people who fix his own cars and wonders why they continue to break down every 500 miles or less allegedly from what he says he posts comments that his car will be the only one around when all of the government cars are all that we have left LOL. Guy is a fraud and a con artist but a terrible one at that he is literally so ignorant that he has admitted to using club fees that he’s not supposed to be using on his own personal cars his whole life revolves around the club with maybe 1800 members thinks everyone is out to get him even the people who try to help him but what are you expecting from a man who lives with his mother in a state he hates but calls his runs a club that he is always claiming he is going to fold but never does and never will because without that club he has nothing. He is so pathetic and is still on probation for so.e crazy stuff it’s crazy there are plenty of groups don’t join his Club because the only thing you’re going to hear is him this guy is so insecure you can’t even post a comment without his approval talk about in secured good Lord
I joined his “club” when I got my K. Now I’m just sticking around now to just see what he’s going to spew next! His shit is comedy gold!!
All of you liars are going to hell. I am not a homophobic, this is four years old, and the person that wrote this is being sued in court.
Given this the competence level of this “guy”, I can only assume he’s talking about a tennis court.
Better watch out Jesda. This guy now says he has a SECRET WEAPON.
Hey Guy, I’d like to see you again tonight. You really know how to “work the stick in my K-Car” if you know what I mean. I could really use an oil change Big Guy.
I didn’t know the People’s Court did such cases!!! LOL
I found a video on YouTube of a GVC parody!
Hey thats my video hahahahaha remember folks when youre having car troubles you need to take it to MEKANIK and bitch online about it how you got ripped off. Or just simply put seafood in the engine and turn the key fast and hard ..that should fix it.
This incompetent who can’t even get his own shitboxes running as the CLUB PRESIDENT is complaining about his own bad behavior on YouTube now
He also uses Vincent Audette as a pseudonym online. It is amazing how he has re-dedicated his life to nagging other people to save K-Cars, but is still so goddamn incompetent at maintaining, repairing, or restoring his own rundown fleet of six K-Cars. I think only one of his six rustbuckets runs, and even that one runs poorly.
I am on every single Facebook page about K-cars. This idiot’s page is by far the worst in quality. The best pages are run by people he considers enemies. The only great thing about GVC’s page is seeing how incompetent he is at fixing his cars.
More than 10 years ago, this fraudster ran classified ads on his crappy website for K-cars. I ran across one of his Craigslist posts and responded.
He emailed me back that I needed to wire him $1500 immediately, and then he would introduce me to the seller in Michigan. I told him that I needed to see the car first. He then clarified that he was in California, that the $1500 was a “finder’s fee” separate from the cost of the car, and that I would need to talk to the seller about test drives. I can’t believe this jerkoff is still running these scams.
I am in his Facebook group. The sole reason is to see what dumbass thing he will do next while trying to fix his poorly maintained cars.
Last week, for Memorial Day, I was thinking back on my service in the California State Military Reserve (now known as the California State Guard). I served with Lt. Coulombe and saw many of the things you all are talking about above. For years and years, I hadn’t thought about Lt. Coulombe and my experience there.
Lt. Coulombe was cruel, and he had a bizarre fascination with military history and historical weapons. I remember him mucking around with some horse-drawn cannon at some point and telling us it was the last one in the whole State Military Reserve. I think his dad was involved with WW1 stuff, and he was obsessed with WW2 and Pearl Harbor.
Because of my last name, he used to call me Lt. F**got. I was struggling with my own sexuality at the time and didn’t take kindly to this. In addition, behind their backs, he also used racist slurs about the Black and Asian members of our group, which I won’t repeat here. For some of our drills, he often took opportunities to abuse us and undermine us. We did manage to get even with him.
Early one morning, we and Lt. Coulombe were dragged out to the middle of nowhere with black hoods on our heads. When we were dumped out of the van, we were in the middle of the woods. Our only companion was a goat. The ranking officers told us that they would check on us every morning at 0600. We would need to eat nuts, berries, and whatever we could kill. We also had to keep the goat alive. If the goat died or got lost, we would have to stay in the woods for two weeks. If we managed to keep him alive, our stay would be shortened to a week. If one of us…ahem, had relations with the goat, then we could leave at the next 0600 check-in.
Bizarrely, Lt. Coulombe refused to take a dump in the woods. Even after our second check-in, 48 hours in, he still refused. On the third day, he was getting a bit desperate. Around 4:30 in the morning, he decided he was going to take on the goat, so he could go home and use a proper toilet. I’m not sure why he didn’t just drop trou and grab some leaves.
He kept losing his nerve and was pacing back and forth over and over. Just as he was approaching the goat for the 5th time, our senior officers showed up a bit early and said “what the fuck are you doing, boy? Get away from that goat, and pack up your stuff. I can’t believe you were going to do it! You’re going home!”
Lt. Coulombe was relieved he could relieve himself, but after that incident, everyone referred to him as The Goat Fucker.
This loser has neglected and abused all of his cars. The questions he asks in his Facebook group show how clueless he is about K-Cars. What a pathetic president for a pathetic club.
Merry Christmas to all the SPACE MILLENIALS who know how to maintain K-Cars properly unlike the buffoon Vincent Audette.
Checking in the year of our lord 2023
Yes Guy’s comments still exist to be chuckled at.
Hope to see you in 2024!
Guy you might he the biggest dummy on the whole internet. Everyone knows that mustangs are better than k cars you silly faggot.
This Guy abuses his hoard of cars and is too incompetent to maintain them properly. All of his cars are broken down trash. Some “president”. He’s a grifter who tries to get people to pay for his hoarding.
This Guy is an embarrassment as a K-Car owner. All 4 of mine run, but this fool can’t even get 1 of his 6 to run properly. Parts are dirt cheap, but he still asks people for fraudulent donations that he doesn’t declare to the IRS.
This incompetent buffoon insists that he is helping save K-Cars, but all six of his cars are poorly maintained junkers. There are legitimate heroes in the K-Car community who share knowledge, but Guy Coulombe doesn’t know anything, has been a freeloader for over a decade, and takes credit for everyone else’s efforts.
Everything on his website is stolen from either Allpar or one of the other K-Car heroes. This Guy is a fraud, and the IRS should look into his fake non-profit.
I heard that Guy’s car sparked the Hurst Fire in Sylmar because it’s in such poor shape.